
That’s from the request time, it is often longer depends if they have been on the beer the night before :laughing:

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If I were the one archiving the videos then it would take 15 days at a minimum… :joy: :joy:

I have never understood why a thing like that should take so long either. It is incomprehensible to me. :slight_smile:

I just ASSUMED that certain things may require special approval before release.

Yes, and that assumption may actually be correct. For all I know. :slight_smile:

Maybe, as fucking is such a delicate subject eh :rofl:

I was almost surprised that you were allowed to write the word fucking right now. :hugs: :heart_eyes:

Trisha sure loves to talk. Preferably loudly. :slight_smile:

maybe she is related to Palmer.

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The moments ops have 48 hours to download the video for archiving, but VHTV reviews them before they get released to the archive. That’s why it can take longer than 48 hours to get into the archive.

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Well Seth i heard that if you eat lots of carrot you devlope the ability to see in the dark :crazy_face: :laughing:



Not sure, but I think Moment Operators are volunteers. If that is the case maybe they have a life outside too?

That is one fair assumption. Absolutely. :slight_smile:

Yes, they are all volunteers. They are gifted different forms of compensation for all their hard work. Such as free Premium Subscriptions, access to a 48-hour realm timeline, their own private area on the forum, and nifty MO only title and flair.

Often the delay comes from VHTV and not the MO’s. No matter how fast the MO’s upload moments to the archive they will always have to wait for VHTV to approve and release the moments to the archive so we can see them.


Pick me, pick me! (Retired, so time on my hands!)

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Well, that’s not how to do it… :unamused: VHTV actually hates it when people @ them for things that are not serious and/or important. If you are serious, I believe there is some type of application you can fill out and submit. Maybe @jabbath1987 would know how to start the Moments Operator application process?

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Didn’t know that (was kinda lighthearted) - thanks. Will remove the offending post