
Does Kano pack his stuff? :astonished:

I certainly do hope so. That Kano packs his stuff. :relieved:

And moves it to Nerina :crazy_face:

That is one of the things I fear the most will be the case eventually. :thinking:

I am quite sure that we been told by Jabs that he will stay there

Yeah. I know. Apparently he is there to keep the apartment click bait alive. As far as I know. :innocent:

We wouldn’t need clickbait if Nerina was given full control of her OWN apartment and Kano given his marching orders.


I whole heartedly and one hundred percent agree with you my dear. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Poor ole Trisha on her own again, she needs consistent friends really.
I thought Julia was gonna be more constant but maybe she had other things on this evening.

I don`t know if Kano helps a lot though! What ever happened to Wolfy? :astonished:

Maybe he had other things on tonight :roll_eyes:

What if Nerina due to other obligations can’t cover the needed time presence in the realm, and needs Kano as a filler for her absence and he therefore moved over from Trisha to Nerina? :thinking: :thinking:

Just a thought. :confused:

Trisha has gathered all his belongings but he is still here! Now the empty apartment is offline.
Not that it is connected in any way, but you have a point! :smile:


Gerda is back “with” Kano. Trisha didn’t get a long beauty s___p today. Kano left early this morning! :smile:



The guy who was here with Julia. Did he get a name?


According to wiki he is Mitch.