
Sure. But the mistakes he makes have nothing to do with that. It is just very bad writing sk__ls…

Lucky he ain’t translating from Scottish then :joy::joy::joy:

29 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

He is not German. He is Austrian. Is Austria Germany’s red headed step c___d?? :thinking:

Am making no comment on that :rofl:

Grayce is originally austrian right? So he is a native austrian german speaker and writer? :hugs: :slight_smile:

Sorry for that on my part. But the original date I typed in the first original message regarding that fingerbang gathering is wrong in the first place. The absolutely correct date is 29. and 30. of june. So then that is roughly 3 months ago. I am sorry about that. I stand corrected. :hugs: :slight_smile:

I’m not sure, but didn’t Henry fingerbang Trisha at Henry’s before?

I am not absolutely sure about that myself, as this is at Trishas and not Henrys. But it is possible that can be correct anyway. I don`t know for sure. :hugs: :slight_smile:

He did that. Back then in his old apartment, where Alida now lives.

Ok. When was that again then? Are there any videos of it for example? Or not? :hugs: :slight_smile:

I think it must have been in March or April, but I can’t find any videos about it. Maybe Trisha had a different name back then. Then it was deleted.

Must have been deleted when she changed name from the other name. Only logical explanation I can think of. :joy: :hugs:


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Genau so wird es gemeint sein.

So the text actually is correctly translated then? You may correct me if I am wrong. :hugs:

As a German-speaking participant, I read and interpreted this text in exactly the same way. There were several errors in the original text, which made the translation more difficult to understand the meaning.