
Nowhere he is in the kitchen.

i will say this very queitly not to cause a stampede…SPARE ROOM :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

With the sudden changes occurring, Is it too much to hope that the Continuing Trisha relocation can become Harmony & Xavier?

Looks like Mira is going to score before Henry.

Think this may be the new deal, Mira to get much more freedom and choice :laughing:

AND Henry boy will interupt her quicker than you can say howsyaf____r

In no time they mess up the hole appartment

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Who is this A-hole?

Whatever happens it’s all in aid of the flthy lucre you can sure bet on it :laughing:


Stefan seemed to be undecided if he should laugh or be concerned, when Trisha falls off the bed

in the end.

If nothing else is sure, Trisha is _____ as a skunk.



Punaise, le jeunot avait un coup tout fait avec Mira et il a tout gaché.
Tant pis pour lui et dommage pour Mira

Gerda and Henry going home???..or just to a secret place???

Is that the new henry format now? A new image like “Jakar”. But what are the users paying for here? For dark rooms. Oh henry goes to the fresh air to nibble on the little ones. The guy has lost a lot. How long can this be good.

I hope Inga will come and visit vice versa :pray:


warum kritisiert ihr immer an allem was geschiet das sind leute wie du und icch.

Inga wird glaub ich nicht hier als Gast kommen da sind die Städte viel zzu weit entfernt

hat sich erledigt

Trisha please be careful cutting that meat :scream:
The food looks delicious :yum: