Trisha & Klaus (Part II)

The temporary “Housewarming Party” does seem to look promisingly to begin with at least. Remains to be seen what it ends up with. :joy:

Back in the old Memories


I am sorry to say but i think it will be eating, _____ing and departure. Hope I`m wrong! :thinking:

holding hands on the old couch :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I hope I am wrong about my own premonition. :thinking:

Nerina’s actions tonight ?

I guess Henry will not repair the couch :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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bathing in old memories :joy:

That couch has seen and been with lot of stuffs over the years lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Qui va mourir d’ennui le premier ?

I certainly do hope that Nerina will perform some preferable actions tonight other than eating, _____ing and leaving. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cam 4 at Nerinas switched to night vision light. Don`t know what to think about that. :thinking:

Maybe Henry thinks Mira won’t see him if he fucks Nirina :joy: :joy: :joy:
Other then that nothing will happen.

Reckon that’s all that will happen pal, sorry. :cry:

Ultimately I don`t think very much will happen either. I seem to be damaged by earlier experience. So to speak. :joy:

Yep Henry is under tight rein now like a good boy :joy:

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If he isn’t released soon the bed or the sofa will fall to bits :innocent:

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Nerina looks thoroughly pissed off :roll_eyes:

They all look bored s__tless, …awkward :joy:

Funny to see that the dressing gown that Mira wore in that apartment is now worn by Nerina.