Trisha & Klaus (Part II)

The fairies probably :joy:

This apartment is a pure waste of band width unless you like viewing the public bath from time to time :laughing:

The public bath house :joy::joy:

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Can only hope the bathroom cam doesn’t break down else we would be fucked then :rofl:
At least the light is always on :joy:

Maybe we can switch to Henry and Mira,… where the action is. :thinking: :thinking:

Depends upon your interpretation of action i suppose :joy:

I was just thinking, that, if it’s too boring here, something else might give you the kick. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Only a teddy bear in an empty bed… Yeeeiiii… Wow… :joy:

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Mira, Henry and Nerina, Julia could also form a flat-sharing community. All the beds and loungers in the living room and you’re done. Henry’s flat is big enough. There would be two dogs, all good.

And this flat would then be given to people who have “slept in”. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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It has always seemed to me that pets are as indifferent to our nudity as we are to theirs.


even the both of them are boring ,unless the got friends round all henry does is eat and play games

My suggestion was not meant serious, it was to point out, that other realms also have potential for criticism.

That Julia is safe again in this flat for the time being. That’s perfectly all right. I’m also sure she’ll bring the action back here.

Nerina seems to have other things to do. Still, I wouldn’t write her off. There’s more to come, I think. In any case, she’s a pretty woman. :+1: :heart:

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Will you live that long though is the question :rofl:

Alida ,and is it her bearded friend from Henry’s party?, has come to visit!

I cannot say I remember that bearded pretty big guy from before. :fire:

Dogs ain’t nude they got a fur coat on :wink:

Where’s the elusive Nirina then ?

He looks like he’s the Manager…
They offer to him a 6 six pack only one left…