
elle deviens quoi financierement sans vhtv cette fille!


This apartment has become unwatchable. I really regret the presence of Jenya DADYA and his friends. Also when Jenya was there the apartment never went offline. She arrives, first the apartment disappears because a boy maybe has a___ed a girl, then because of line problems… Jenya please come back!!!

Well she seems to have suddenly left the project :roll_eyes:
Must admit never really watched this place.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My mistake, could have sworn i logged on for a few minutes this morning and it said on the apartments listing she had left the project?
Must have misread something obviously.

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:eye: :eye:

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They look like best friends. :hugs:

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They just put on their clothes on postponed for tonight… :s___ping:

They went somewhere, they came back again,& again but I can’t find where, maybe they have been hidden Shy…Maybe they took a walk around the block…

Nice View :fire:

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Kyle Broflovski Computer GIF by South Park

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There will be a foursome soon? :thinking: :smiling_imp:

Looks like Orgy Now… !! FFMMMM

There’s a person who does foursomes, but she’s not here.

Hmm I’m not sure who you are talking about. I’m drawing a blank. Could you give me a reminder please?

Whoever she is I hope she gets invited over to Toriana’s soon!