
The bathroom camera is very cloudy is the lens dirty from when Tata was there or is there something else wrong with it.

The bath is getting a proper deep clean, wonder why… :wink: :poop:

They haven’t used it since they arrived but my god the lens needs cleaning.

Is that round 2. :joy: :rofl:

I’m expecting Ultra HD by the time they’ve finished :joy:

This is when they realise the bath was always a cream colour… :rofl:

they changed the names in this apartment greyhound & lallizi and tod & kellie…

Da fuck :joy: :joy: :joy: :man_facepalming:

I will archive that one :wink:

I hope the blonde is a participant she is very pretty …

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Season 4 GIF by Living Single

I sent a ticket this afternoon because of that, to don’t give them names and then the manager would change so i tried to anticipate the move

A post was merged into an existing topic: Greyhound & Lallizi, Tod & Kellie

I was flipping through a Twitter account looking for pictures and videos I wanted and this completely random picture pops up. I couldn’t resist.


у тебя молотковая возбужденная киска

у тебя очень крутая киска


Continuing the discussion from Tata:

Both extremely heavy no doubt :rofl:


Хочешь показать мне, как сделать действительно горячий секс?

No Way Do Not Want GIF