
I’ll happily take the risk :laughing:

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If I lived next door, I would sit in the loggia all fucking day :heart_eyes: :joy:


Just like you said at tonks apartment slow babie steps


Personally, i never mind that as the build up is always good to watch

I’m with u on that one :wink::crazy_face:

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What’s your social media platform and name?

Twitter, Telegram, public access, but also closed Whatsapp groups

His Whatsapp looks a bit like this :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

After studying the nextdoor neighbours loggia (picture below) I’ve came to realise it’s actually a second loggia for this apartment :thinking:

with access from the bedroom

Oh no! :man_facepalming: have I just started a secret room debate now :joy:

In this apartment we will kiss and seduce each other. Can we see girl-to-girl relationships…
Or will there be empty guests without excitement?


There are two beautiful girls …but they have no moves to seduce each other. this apartment is boring
We want to see hot moves that will bring them closer to each other…we want to see girls kissing for the audience.


We want the girls to continue this warm intimacy… please

Girls’ seductions are more beautiful like this…


there are two beauties in the apartment they do not touch each other…incomprehensible…no fun…bad night…


The girls don’t talk to each other at all so they can get closer…or kiss…

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Send the boys out of the house…girls can talk and share things…can be hot fun.


If the girls are going to have sex tonight, we’ll wait until morning.

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girls are sexy…but uninterested in each other.

Fixed them for you. Please only speak for yourself. You have no idea what “we” wants.

Did this guy legit create multiple accounts just to spam the same thing under different names?

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