Sylva & Carlson


thank you for your cool screenshots, you catch very nice views <3

can I ask you to make record of my conversation with Stive (the weird dude) I was yelling at him in the living room one hour ago

he wants to remove me and Pure Kitty from this realm and our conversation was about this (I’d like to show it for our managers team)

the main thing which we discuss there who deserves to be here

Stive - always saying that he is the main person here, and all this realm90 exists only just because of him and his actions

will be cool if you share your opinion - who do you like to voyeur on :slightly_smiling_face::see_no_evil:


He is not the main participant. Surely everyone is equal and should do their own thing? This apartment has been streaming long before he moved in.


Stive, to me, seems like an unnecessary accessory: i.e. much like a vase of dead flowers. What purpose does he serve? All I’ve seen him do up to now is stare at a computer screen & scowl from time to time…



Stive, I understand you recently had an argument with KayaEyes about kicking the women in this apartment to the curb because you believe you’re the main attraction here.

Pal, you do not seem to understand a very basic premise of this project, which is, in 95% of the apartments, possibly more, it’s the women who are the main draw, which means they get the most views, and views are directly related to the money you earn; i.e. views equal money.

I guarantee you if the women left this apartment, you wouldn’t earn a penny. There would be no reason, at all, to watch you.


Thank you very much KayaEyes for Your message.
First of all I want to thank you for your kind words about the pictures Although all of You gives me the opportunity with your cute movements & your Beautiful smiles to do that.
I think Stive should understand that there is no doubt that Realm is shared with Two Beautiful Women & that says it all.
By being there adds many viewers. I’m surprised Stive thought like this Besides the fact that the Realm it also has your name.
I don’t know how Realm deals are done & what Stive thoughts are.
You did the right thing to Post this problem & You should obviously contact the Manager like you sad.
All I can do is send a message to VHTV to emphasize them how much Your mean to Realm. & I am sure of the Members when they see your message will do the same. When Stive reads all these messages he may think Twise about it !!Thank you again for Contact me & share this with Us. I have Certainty that all will be well at the end of this case
I wish a Wonderful Day To All of You !! :heart:


Really? That guy is not doing anything at all and yet he thinks he’s the one keeping the apartment “alive” ? :joy: I can’t remember anything interesting he did yet. Pretty sure nobody will miss him. :see_no_evil::wink:




Hey girl!
Don’t worry, I have your back. I’ll make a recording, listen to your talk too, and send to managers with my comments :kissing_heart:


Okay, as far as I know the problem has been resolved and they will go to different apartments. KayaEyes is fully in the right there IMO


someones in for it now .id sooner take on an army of zombies than go toe to toe with you , methinks someone needs to start packing there bags , this is one problem he dont need nor can win BYE BYE STIVE ,your time is up

Hehe, well Stive just has different idea of the project and everyday life, KayaEyes’ one is more fitting my own view of project :woman_shrugging:

Luckily, they have a great opportunity to try both lifestyles in different places and live their best lives


A nice diplomatic answer for all concerned :+1:



Is the bathroom cam offline?



I think it’s the skinny guy who wears glasses.