Sophia, Elon, Claudia

I see Sophia & Elon were last active here two days ago :face_exhaling: Does anybody know how they are or what is happening?

Nothing has really changed and they are still assessing things day by day, if they need to escape Ukraine then the long term plan is to go across the border and make their way to Spain as Miri knows someone there.

They are looking to speak to any Spanish people on here just to ask some questions. So either answer this post or PM me and I will pass on the message. :slight_smile:


Thank you for keeping us updated


Hola Ukpolska quizas Carlos de departamento Carlos/Claireā€¦ Pueda ayudar en algoā€¦ Habla espaƱol y si no me equivoco estuvo por EspaƱa. Ojala sea de ayuda

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Thatā€™s not a bad idea and I will get in contact with Claire. :slight_smile:


Yo hablo espaƱol pero no soy de EspaƱa.

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Thanks but they need to contact people in Spain as would like to chat to them and find out some current information, but thanks again. :slight_smile:


That is so hard to hear. If you have access to the Internet, could you post pictures and videos for money?

Doesnā€™t VHTV have access to people across the world?. I would think they have some contact in Spain.

I think the last thing they are thinking about now is posting videos and pictures onlineā€¦ Really???

Update from Elon and the girls:

The girls have to cross the border tomorrow


I mean, I am glad they will be safe once they cross, but the fact that he is more than likely not going is bittersweet. Yes, I am glad he is fighting for his country, but leaving the girlsā€¦

Thatā€™s the thing it is pointless that he is staying as they arenā€™t giving guns to people with no experience and people are even trying to donate blood, but the blood banks are full. Men are just being turned away and told to go home.

Pointless stupid regulation leaving 100s of 1000s of women abroad with children trying to find a job to support themselves and their children.

I went down to the border this morning to take supplies and bring people back to Warsaw and to see the children and wives seperated from their husbands and fathers is heartbreaking.


Youā€™re a good man uk! :+1:


Por Dios, que salga todo bien. :pray:

Ukrainian citizens are very welcome in Germany. There is housing and money from the government. The Polish and German railways transport Ukrainians free of charge.


I have mixed feelings. I am happy the girls will be safe but then ā€¦ Elon. Thanks for another update ukpolska you are doing some great work and hopefully Elon will be safe.


same for the netherlands they are welcome here and we do wat we can to help

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Sorry, I didnā€™t mean to sound insensitive. I meant it as a source of income

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If it makes you feel better Elon joked about it himself in the chat the other day. :slight_smile: