Sophia, Elon, Claudia

it must be said that Elon fucks everything that moves; that’s being a star! :wink:

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Delltech GIF by Dell Technologies

Guests! But I don’t remember seeing his girl before?

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If anyone cares - look back at about 12 to 13 hours ago on the timeline or 03:26:00 to 03:27:00 their time and watch Elon’s tight c___ehold on the short girl as he fucks her from behind. You can tell by her facial expressions that he was too tight and hurting her. She had to hit his arm repeatedly for him to finally let go. I was scared for her and hated seeing this. I have some screenshots but don’t know how to post them here. Sure, they kept fucking and maybe it was somewhat consensual or agreed upon but I personally think Elon went way too far. This was a favorite apartment but not any more. VHTV is not for me by what I have seen today along with the Cooper bulls__t. Sooner or later someone will get seriously hurt and a good chance VHTV will find itself in deep s__t.

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не волнуйтесь это было согласовано , у нас дома часто бывают практики с асфиксией . и это нормально что человек в этот момент в панике может отбиваться . Табея очень любит эту практику Клаудия иногда Софи очень очень редко Мири очень любит БДСМ практики .

мы соблюдаем безопасность , добровольность и разумность .

Not for me. VHTV has become too extreme (including Cooper’s r__e of a girl) but I am sure others get a kick out of pushing the limits. Seeing the beauty of women dressed, half naked or naked is my type of voyeurism. The subtle tease. I like Sophie, Claudia and the guest girls (all gorgeous in my eyes) but sadly I can’t support VHTV now. I am just making people aware but will not argue with others about what I saw. My choice to step away. I cherish women and I didn’t like what I saw. I will still peek in but not post any pics of VHTV. On I highlighted your apartment heavily with pics (username there is dougiestyle4u) and a separate topic in general discussion titled dougiesway4u - mainly pics of VHTV plus other topics of discussion. That will end now.


Yes it did seem rather an extreme moment i must admit, clip below.

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нюанс в том что это её заводит

i have been saying for a long time about the way he treats women . the ey just hold them down and do what they want to with them , now fisting seams the new thing even if they dont want it , it is certanly getting worse and someone will get seriousley hurt , but this is not the only place this is going on now its seems to be becoming the norm , this will be the last time i renew because of the way women are treated just like a lump of meat

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я не особо слежу за остальными участниками , но у меня дома к девушкам относятся с уважением . Если только это не БДСМ практики . ни одна девушка тут не получит по заднице если сама этого не захочет . в этом доме мы даём активное согласие на те или иные практики .

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Ребята с Рождеством вас! 1

Thanks @robwin - this video is better than any screenshots. Just watching the c___ehold and the girl wanting it to stop almost immediately was enough to put the scare into me. What will be next at some of these realms? Definitely not my thing and disappointed that VHTV allows a wide berth in sex play, violence and a___e of women.

хм если у меня дома плохо обращаются с девушками то почему они сюда ходят ? вы могли видеть как на новый год я бил Мири флогером , большим резиновым дилдо и руками как я тянул ее за соски и знаете что ? она хочет ещё она хочет чтобы я бил по ее заднице ремнём . и она не одна кто это хочет . мы такие какие есть , кто-то любит секс ,кто-то настолки ,некоторым нравится боль,фистинг и удушения , а кто-то любит просто покушать вкусную еду которую мы готовим.

но что у нас дома не бывает так это причинение вреда или унижение человека против его воли . не пугайтесь если вы видите что тут происходят БДСМ игры .

если будет много людей кого это шокирует то наверно мы будем ходить в гости к нашим друзьям дабы вы могли спать спокойно.


This is Sophia. I want to talk a little about this topic.

I’ve been looking at the forum a lot lately. And I see that some realms have allowed violence against women. Personally, I think this is unacceptable. And unforgivable. One time is too much.

But there is simply a huge abyss between BDSM and violence. As people who practice bdsm, we understand this. This abyss is called CONSENT, as well as the SVR rules - safety, voluntariness, rationality.

A______a practices always look as shown in the video. Why? Because breathing games involve playing with the basic human instinct. And the person who agreed to a______ation KNOWS that before losing consciousness she will look and act exactly as she does in the video.

Because consciousness turns off, and at this moment the human body begins to act according to the instinct of protection. Protection against lack of oxygen.

There was NEVER violence against women in our house. Moreover, over men too. And it never will. If someone allows himself the slightest disrespect, he no longer appears here.

I am writing this not only to give people a little awareness of different options for sex practices, but also so that we do not become victims of those events that happened in other realms.

We don’t have violence against women, period. If this happens to others, it does not mean that it was or will happen with us.


Also, I want to talk about Elon.

Elon is a beast in sex, and that’s what I’ve always been searching for, as a woman who loves sex. Letting go of my troubles during sex with a person I love. I let go by having rough sex without any particular rules except CONSENT and rationality. During sex it can look as if somebody takes advantage of me. But actually, I’m always in control.

Lots of women in our house have the same opinion. They want to let go during sex and enjoy their submissiveness or other way around. Elon is a master of that.

But, when it comes to other interactions, Elon is the sweetest, kindest and nicest man I’ve ever seen. That’s why I actually chose to be with him. I fell in love because of his kindness. We are together for more than two years, and he never screamed at me, even slightly, even during arguments. He is loving, caring and respectful, and gives me exactly what I want in sex.

He will never a___e or r__e someone. I could never imagine that. So please, don’t demonise him. He did exactly what the girl wanted him to do.


@Sophia_Elon Well spoken, Totally agree with you :smiley:


Well Done Good Job GIF by Robert E Blackmon

Well Done Good Job GIF by Robert E Blackmon

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Please, can you two/three stop being so idealistically perfect, can’t you even be a little bit controversial so the rest of us can feel normal. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


We’ll, we have our problems. For example, I have epilepsy and it’s gotten worse lately, so i needed to take more pills. They lowered my libido, made me depressed and made me gain some weight. So now I’m trying to become as active as I was before. And my loved ones are really stressed out because of my sadness and s___piness lately.

Here you go:)) Enjoy us raw and imperfect :heart::joy::movie_camera: