Silver & Bradley


The problem with the CB is that it is becoming oversaturated.

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Yes,it is, but We are newbies there and have not yet found our niche. We do not know what users want to see and are still analyzing


Don’t worry, be who you really are. Do what makes you happy, don’t treat it like a “job”. People notice that, relaxing and enjoying what you do is already half the success. People are not just looking at penetration, they are interested in authenticity.

I follow a chef’s channel that has a quarter of a million followers. Most of them comment that they do not follow her for the cooking at all, but for the combination of that, her warmth, her authenticity, and her character.

There will be no more followers if there is more fucking. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. Spiced with anticipation and story. You are a gorgeous woman, make the most of it. Sometimes if you show less you give more. Play around, maybe play a role sometimes, don’t be the same every time, expand your repertoire.

Play around, forget about the visitor counter and the niche will form itself.

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Just saying the masks might also be a problem when there are thousands of other people without to watch.

Soo Sexy !! :fire: :fire:

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Probably they believe that chaturbate is like VH where open the legs and be like that for hours is enough.
There are big differences and the main one is that there 99% of people do that and probably 25%-50% of them for free.
On VH not saying that exist only around 40 realms as soon as anyone open (or automatically the site goes there) their paid rooms, they are earning money. On CB no, besides probably 3-4K rooms, to earn on the beginning they have to capture attention, do something different that people can’t find easily (just like you said authenticity).

And talking on % perhaps not even 1% use masks, so why would anyone expect to see them where can’t even see the emotions.

This is quite important, their problem is that they have VH background so it’s complicated to get out of it, where everything is about quantity. They do hours and hours of shows looking to their thumbs

I don’t understand what they’re trying to hide with the masks. I mean, anyone that know them will still recognize them

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They are not hiding to the ones that knows them from the other site where they work (VH). They are using masks to all the other ones that would recognize them without masks and don’t know they are at VH. Neither at their pornhub channel they show their faces.
But i hope they don’t expect this will protecting their identities forever, it would be quite naive of them, especially looking how many videos with their face are spread all over the internet in tons of sites and foruns and in what kind of sites VH have mentions

People that they want to become Participants they think by only own a Realm they ensure a good income the truth is to secure the income they should have to try hard enough. either they have to be single & know friends to meet, or if they’re a couple have to be both open minded not to be jealous & like 3some or 4 some Full Swap, Couple which remembered now doing this is Henry & Moira there are rarely couples with full swap, My desire to watch Couples make me a member. In the past there were more couples, I mean married or in serious relationship but also 3some are few not easy…They have to be well organized and be serious to meet other people otherwise they only do cam chat

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you are doing amazing, i had such fun tonight

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Lose the masks! It’s not appealing or interesting in any way. You’re not fooling anyone here, there, or anywhere and it’s a big turn off. The message it sends is this, “I don’t want you to know me, but give me your money sucker!” While I’m at it, maybe think about not constantly looking into the cams like they are an ATM machine, it’s makes you look insincere and desperate. If you want to win the internet, you have to do this, do something freaking weird and crazy or do something with an insane amount of passion. Glory is for those who stand out in a sea of mirrors.

Btw, say hi to Anna and Alex for me. :kiss: If only…


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fair play to you both for trying C/B to get some extra cash but the competition is huge and a big percentage of those that watch the rooms dont send any tokens and watch for free ,at least onVHTV you get some kind of cash maybe you could look for like minded couple to join you for party’s we remember in the past you were both involved in partys anyway good luck to you both we hope you are successful

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the guest girl is beautiful… :fire: :fire:




Looks like time for CB :star_struck:

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