Silver & Bradley

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can you PM me too please?

they seem to be ‘offline - for personal reasons’. wonder what it means. They had guests a few hrs ago, Silver was dressed very sexy…what has happened?

The guest was still naked and as___p on the couch. Bradley and Silver went into the bedroom and had a discussion for 30 mins or so where Silver became upset. I don’t recall any raised voices and I don’t think it’s worth speculating what the discussion was about but perhaps they asked to go offline for a moment of privacy while things get sorted out

It’s none of our business anyways

There were raised voices, and they kept on closing the bedroom door to try and shield their guest from the argument, which was becoming more intense.
No physical violence whatsoever; then Silver was sitting on the bed, visibly very upset, playing with something on her iPad, and the realm went offline shortly after.
That’s exactly what happened; not saying that they turned it offline, but it sort of makes sense and is probably the best thing to do so they can both sort themselves out and get back to being the lovely couple they are.

And your point is??

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Try reading next time :slight_smile:

Doesn’t tell me much other than irrelevant post. It’s none of our bussiness

I understand that you may not find my post relevant, but I believe that it is important to provide as much context as possible so that others can fully understand the situation. Being left in the dark happens all too often on this site, and as I watched every second of what went on.First and foremost, this is a discussion forum to discuss things.
I apologize if my explanation was too long or detailed, but I wanted to make sure that everyone was fully informed and not left in the dark about what happened, not from a twisted agenda, just purely information.
Have a great day :slight_smile:


If the subscribers are watching Im sure thay are able to make their own assumptions, if they really care that is.,

I’m open to hearing your perspective, but I would appreciate it if you could provide some evidence to support your claim that people prefer assumptions rather than facts? :slight_smile:

It’s good to see them back!

It looked to me like GuestGirl was more interested in doing something with Silver than Bradley.

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Finally a girl with a Landing Strip. So damn sexy :heart_eyes:


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