Silver & Bradley

Yes they are still on C/B but a different apartment

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Silver said that they would be moving to another country on February 9th post 2369 refers. In her farewell post to the forum.

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Yes, everything is true, but until the end of the week we live in our old apartment and the country in which we lived this year


Thank you for the update. Hope everything goes well for you in your new venture. Bon Voyage :hugs:


will you ever return to VHTV?

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:disappointed_relieved:they have left VHTV

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Yes, but we will be guest’s in friends apartment

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A little late here as usual, but anyways, thank you, Silver & Bradley for the time spent here with you. All my best wishes for a new and intersting life. I’ll miss you, but live your life and follow your dreams :hugs:

I’ll miss the lovely Dunja too. Say hello to her from me, will you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks to @Eros for the pic of Silver & Bradley


my dear friends, I miss you a lot, I spent good times with you when you were on vhtv…wherever you are, I wish you all the best and may love and health always win

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