Savannah & Troy

They cleaned most of the place, just needs some finetuning

not if they clean things up first.

Are we ever going to see Debbie fully fucked, because sheā€™s actually touching guys lately

There was a short video in M&H, she almost fucked Palmer.

I saw that and Iā€™ve seen her touching kostjaā€™s abs a few time, and kiss his neck a couple of times

Kostja needs to get back in shape, he is developing a gut since joining this group!

You know savannah wants a piece of him, sheā€™d love to have fun with him and Indira

That will be fun to watch if it happens, but what about Troy?

The three can take a shower while he plays on his laptop

First itā€™s Indira and Kostja again

Maybe if Zoja survives the Palmer day she could join in, and make it a five-some! The only problem is I have not seen her take a cock yet.

I need a smoke , back in a few minutes.

Other than Wendy and Savanna has Zoja been with anyone?

Yes I agree with you we like them as a couple

Yee, Palmer for the last 24 hours :laughing:

I thought he is only after Jirina all the timeā€¦ :joy:

Yeah, I really shouldnā€™t have posted that as it is going to wind all the Palmer haters up so much :laughing: :laughing:

But it is their lives to do with as they wish and I find it quite funny when it doesnā€™t fit within their hopes and narratives and they get so wound up over it and I can never understand that. :love_you_gesture: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I donā€™t actually get why people have an issue with Palmer. I know some people think he talks too much, and he may have stopped Kostja going to bed yesterday, but what else donā€™t people like about him? Maybe I havenā€™t been watching closely enough, have I missed something?

There has to be an etiquette, after 2am, if everyone else is a s___p, you say goodnight to the host and let him be

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And thatā€™s why people hate him? Seems pretty harsh. At least he doesnā€™t appear to be sleazy and sniffing around the girls like Tejo does. All Kostja needed to say to him was that it was time to stop and everyone should go to bed. To be fair, I donā€™t think Kostja himself was ready to go to bed.

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And donā€™t forget Felix while you are talking about opportunistic sniffers.