Savannah & Troy


I regret to inform you that you are wrong, If F…ing was all I wanted I would save my money, by going to P.H., XH. or any of the many other free porn sites around the net, I have hoped to see these young ones find their way to enjoy the relationship that they want, if this includes sex, great, if not, OK too. But it is their choice in their life!

Tonight they finally have alone time, and they earned it, having put up with visitors that manipulated them to stay all night

I’m glad K & I got some alone time together

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Indira finally gets her choice.

A good looking clean shaven young Man.



Agreed. They can now have time to explore their relationship and not be influenced by the others.

Yes and she enjoyed it.

trying to figure out how to cover up the wet spot before mommy and daddy get home…

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Easy just change the bedding, and wash the laundry.

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Hey, @Ryan1977 I wish I could send him a Peloton, His abs are becoming a gut. Didn’t he have a sixpack last month?

reading the comments on their fun in mommy/daddy bed

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These were the pics that Geronimo posted when he first arrived.

It’s nice to see the beautiful lovemaking between K&I, but lets not forget last night was supposed to be a fuck party and a question still remains:

What could be the reason that Tejo and Indira didn’t fuck last night even though they spend some time in bed together and there was a strong indication that she was eager for sex. ( I know this is disputed by some but would it make any difference to Tejo? Don’t think so.)

The possible explanations and the percentage of accuracy present an irresistible challenge to mind and imagination to explore and/or debunk:

  1. As predicted in a previous post, Tejo got a restranig order from above. Procentage of accuracy (PoA) +97%

  2. Indira has lost intrest in Tejo. PoA: Minus (-) 103%

  3. Tejo forgot his blue pills. PoA: + 1%

  4. Tejo decided that Indira is bad lay not worth the effort PoA: +3%

  5. Tejo did not want Indira’s cries of joy to wake up his beloved wife Jirina, s___ping next to them PoA: +/- 0%

  6. Tejo can’t perform without Jirina’s assistance PoA: + 1%

  7. Tejo did not want to hurt Kostias feelings PoA:+/-0%

  8. None of the above PoA: +99%

  9. We will never know PoA:+100%

Anything missed?

She doesn’t want Tejo!

Jirina always has to get the girl started!

At current Indira in her best dress ever

By the way, With Kostjas’ name added to the apartment , does that mean Zoja is just a long term guest, maybe Wendy can move in with her? S&T, I&K, Z&W.

I think Indira is reading all the comments from last night. :rofl: :kissing_heart:

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