Savannah & Troy

they went home with Tejo and Jirina

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mira & Henry

T & S have lost her to Kostjo

That is what I said earlier. just after the pic.

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and she not even enjoying it

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its all about him

He’s looking dangerously flushed. Hope he doesn’t have a stroke mid-fuck.

Maybe he flat lined again

Needs a proper face wash :rofl:


Guests are visiting.


just inside and he’s already tired :rofl:

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He looks like Hugo…

They leave the house, but where to go :innocent:


M&M is my guess

Maybe to that other couple, a house without a camera

or just go out for dinner, cozy with the three of you

Paul & Debbie? I do not think so. They are friends of M&H. When M&H not there P&D won’t be there too

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If they were going to M&M, kostja would of gone there