Savannah & Troy

Tejo was a little too over confident with his nudity sunday night, i counted 5 times while sitting with indira, he tried putting her hand on his crotch, and she pulled it away each time

Nah but he is definitely packing a Derringer and not an AK.

Stalkers tend to do that…

then just hold hands giggle and sneak a little kiss now and then, she cannot stop rubbing his hair sometimes.

She loves his hair, they’re cute together

oh yes, Felix’s friend ; she is just a pot. I’ve never seen her do anything except eat, _____ and take selfies in front of a mirror. So she is useless!

What is the name of Felix girl friend ?

At first I thought she looked like Capo.

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She is a regular visitor at M&H, most of the time with Felix and sometimes with Felix and Felicia

Does she ever smile

Only when she burns herself :wink:

Never saw her naked, even parially

she isn’t in the guest list, maybe @jabbath1987 could look into that for us

Looks like Felix and his girl are not even participating.

if she’s not on the guest list yet, she’s never done anything

I am amazed that Mikl hasn’t flashed his Dickl yet!

I think this is much more interesting than the M&H gatherings are! At least they are getting naked.

Maybe is dicki is still sticky from this afternoon lol

Notice all the Lip marks on Kostja?

Some one has been kissing him ALOT!

Marica is invisible in a crowd