
Edrym und Arina sind ungefähr zur selben Zeit weg.
So wie es scheint hat Roza doch heute ein Verabredung mit einer Anderen Person. Ist echt Schade um das Paar.


I wonder if someone is feeding the cat?


Die Katze tut mir am meisten leid, solche Besitzer zu haben.


I haven’t seen any activity in the apartment since the night between Tuesday and Wednesday,
so there are obviously “more important” things that need to be fixed, the cat has 9 lives!

Edrym ist ja schon länger weg. Also hätte Roza sich um die Katze kümmern müssen. Aber die kümmert sich lieber um andere Dinge. Wie reichlich Alkehol und was neues für Untenrum. :rofl: :sob:

It is kind of difficult to suggest where the line is drawn when considering a phone call, I would think that the person in front of the camera is fair game since they have the option to speak away from the camera. On the other hand the person on the other side of the call should probably be classed as private since they don’t have the option to move away from the camera or even know that they are being recorded/broadcast.


I believe it is more a matter of private and secret. If they don’t go away from cams, it’s clearly not secret but i still believe that it is a private matter what was discussed


Now that is where it becomes difficult, if it is Roza on the phone with Nikki who are both in their respective apartments would that be classed as private after all it could be the same conversation they would have if physically in the same room. As I said it’s a difficult one to draw a definitive line for (also I would suggest if its a secret then it is private :wink:)


If all the translations given here in this page are correct and Roza was begging Edrym to come back she was tallking to a guy all day yesterday at Gina’s. I wonder if she gave up and met up with him or she slept at Nikki’s who is offline? Either way I was pulling for her and Edrym to work it out but maybe too much damage was done with the relationship with her and Gabi

Seriously: Who cares? :joy::joy:


That view :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just to add a little bit to the fire, Roza and Gina packed Edrym’s left clothes into that bag :face_with_monocle:


Das wars Edrym hat ein neues Leben begonnen Glückwunsch. Schauen wir mal wenn Roza sich Geangelt hat der Ihr Leben so mitmacht.

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Warscheinlich nicht alle Sachen die auf dem Bett liegen kommen wieder in den Schrank.


You usually do when it’s against the so called rules pal, can’t have it both ways :joy:


I hate to agree with you pal but in that case i do.
Can be all summed up really in saying, words that are spoken in the apartment can not possibly be private as they are always on cam and they know they are.
If they want to discuss something private then go outside out of earshot of the cams.
Not our fault they choose this kind of life the responsibility is entirely on their own shoulders.
See rather simple really, i rest my case :wink


Schaun wir mal was mit den Koffer passiert. Warum sie ein Schlüpfer und kurze Sachen von Edrym wieder in den Schrank legt ist mir noch nicht bewusst aber wir werden es sehen. Edryms Anzug Trägt sie jetzt auch sein Ring hat sie noch am Finger. Was auch immer das alles soll.


To be honest none of your business really, just sit back and enjoy what you see, NOT what you don’t see or imagine.


Edrym may have been drafted into the army,
or fled to another country.

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Il n’y a pas de mobilisation dans ce pays qui reste très divisé sur un soutien à la russie (une partie de la population serait pro-ukraine (c’est ce qu’il se dit sur internet)