Rachel & Ross

Weird especially with the name you are using, bush is natural :crazy_face:

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Естественная красота женщины. неповторима!!! Зачем что то портить!! не нужно ни чего брить, она великолепна!!!

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Either way, with or without just lovely.

Rachel is a natural beauty with a very fine shapely ass.

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No…nudity is natural for me.

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I certainly agree.

I used to think that but then I got arrested at the local park and accused of being a pervert :crazy_face:

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Noooooo i can’t believe that but the image in my mind is a bit worrying :rofl:

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well you are here looking at this site so I guess you are still a pervert. :joy: :rofl: :upside_down_face:

I can’t help it they f___e me to watch it while in my cell :rofl:

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Bah, he’s right! If I want to see bushes, I go to the forest! :wink:

Wrong door today??

its nice to see a shepards bush,bald pussies are everywhere.

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I wonder if this will lead to something.

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indeed, each his own tastes or his cup of tea as TeaBag would say … :wink:

Never does with her, I think she prefers women.

It’s unusual to see these two s___ping in the same direction!

For the bush lovers!


I agree, and wish that the men would stop shaving their pubes as well, they all look like plucked chickens. :laughing:

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egoïste, penses un peu à David, si ils ne se rasent plus, David ne pourra plus à rêver à ces délicieuses sucettes ! :laughing:

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excellent bushy bush