Rachel & Ross

no because i haven’t an active account…but look what i have said…after if you can’t look…it’s not a problem…that just Ross does things behind Rachel’s back and one day it will actually stop between them.

I think you are mistaken because the lass at Likka’s was s___ping during his wank.

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But I will say Ross is a dirty bugger and if Rachel see’s this she should rub his nose in it and put a foot up his ass.

it’s after!!! you don’t read what i have said ^^ we stop ! no problem!!! stay on your position…the future will talk

I watched the time frame you suggested but I couldn’t tell if they were texting with each other or not, all I could see was 2 people on their respective mobile phones and for all I know they could have been looking at something other than texting as it is impossible to see their phone screens.

I know, but I’m pretty sure they were together… wait and see…subject closed…


Does she have a new friend?


Surely in the wrong topic or is this ok now :roll_eyes:


timed it… took after entering her approx 70 sec before he came… 30 sec reminisce and we’re done…


:face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting:

It’s like a Ferrari from 0 to 100 in 2.5 seconds. :rofl: :rofl:

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even to put on the condom took longer


Have you contacted the Guiness Book of Records? Could be a new entry if you will excuse the pun :rofl:

Just played it back wow she must feel so frustrated it’s unreal. He obviously has no control what so ever such a b___dy shame for Rachel yet she seems to take it without moaning at all. it’s not as though he even puts any effort into it :rofl:

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She took care of herself just before Ross came in…

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Agents Of Shield Marvel GIF by ABC Network

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So beautiful when she s___p :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s a Ferrari Testa-Ross-A …!!! :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

New action New frustration… begin at 8:00 finish at 8:03…

Vrrrrrooooooom Vrooooom!!! :joy: :rofl: :face_v___ting: (with protection)