Purgatorium šŸ’©

Well, i will only say that growing one, even if i met some girls/women with some sort of moustache in the past

Did you take that picture when on holiday? :joy:

So far the thread is going about as I expected.

Then just do not! :zipper_mouth_face:

b___dy hell i was on that beach last year i stayed at the hotel Caserio . im 71 now was 70 when i was there . this pic frightened the beejesus outta me . had a premonition i was in the pic .got me looking at loads of naked men to make sure one wasnt me . SO THANX FOR THAT you naughty fuka

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Wait a second I thought you also want participants and guests to act natural and live their normal lives? :thinking: If they are porn stars shooting porn is part of their normal day to day lives. So, what you are saying is you want participants to act normal except if they are porn stars? If they are porn stars, then they should act like they are not porn stars? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :confounded: :see_no_evil:

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You left out the :sweat_smile: in my quote. The :sweat_smile: in my comment shows I am teasing and not being entirely serious. :wink:

are you ever ???

Probably 30/70

So you donā€™t have anything constructive to contribute to the topic, but are just playing the clown during the breaks?

Ok, then lie back down. Iā€™ll let you know when youā€™re needed.

Like I am honestly confused how porn stars are supposed to act normal without being allowed to shoot porn in their house if they want to. Thatā€™s like asking someone with an office job to not respond to work emails at home or to not work from home if their job permits it.

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I guess you donā€™t do your job at home either, unless youā€™re working from homeā€¦

Hmmm I guess I will have to repeat myself because you missed the part of my comment wherer I said:

Which means I am still being serious with part of what I say. Furthermore, I was being constructive by worrying about the feelings of the participants of said new Nude House. I think you may be the one who needs to lie down as you seem a bit cranky today. A short nap should fix that. :hugs:


In some countries this is not allowed by law, at my place of work when office staff finish work them emails are turned automatically off. People have a live outside them jobs as well you know that?
Just for you i will post this link, maybe you will learn something today, you welcome

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Is this proof enough for you?

Ok is it it the law in the countries the VHTV realms are in?

Jeez man, drop it please, now you want Realms with office people working in them? What has office job to do with VHTV Realms?

Well, you are just making assumptions now. Of course, they are going to act happy. Most people donā€™t want to watch sad and/or upset people. They are also not in a large house with lots of people, which was what you suggested opening up again.

Not at all, I want porn stars to shoot porn in their realms if they want to. As shooting porn is part of their occupation and a natural behavior for them. You are the one that does not want them to do those type of things.

Man, stop putting words in my mouth, i have never said that. I only said that i donā€™t like pornstars shooting scenes and camming on the VHTV Realm, if you like it, good for you, it is your right as it is also mine to not like it.