Purgatorium šŸ’©

Voyeurism is about finding something sexy in the real lives of humans. I donā€™t find anything sexy about a____ls. Have fun guys.

Personallity is sexy. And pets might be a part and a detail that make up these peopleā€™s character. I love the details. You can possibly get a better picture of who they are as a person too, by seeing every part of the every day life.

Pets are fine. Yes they are cute and are a part of the tenants flare, if you will, but for you guys to lose your minds trying to track them all down Iā€™d say you are off your freaking rockers. Itā€™s become an obsession. I can literally feel the desperation to fill in the empty holes of information. I must categorize everything. I must track everything. I must devote my life to knowing everything I can about vhtv. They are pets! At some point you have to look at yourself and say, what the fuck am I doing with my life? Iā€™ve reduced myself to following the lives of pets on what is a sex site. Voyeurism isnā€™t about peopleā€™s real life, itā€™s about finding something sexy that turns you on while watching people live their real life. If you go beyond that, Iā€™d call it infatuation. Yeah, I know Iā€™m worse, Iā€™ve reduced myself to following voyeurs. Maybe I should create a topic for that. Easy for me cause I already have your names. :joy:

Ok, letā€™s just change the name to what this really is, Jabbathā€™s asshole.

I have no idea who she is and I could care less? If you care to know that stuff, youā€™re in too deep. Step back, re-evaluate your life and stop it before it consumes your life. :laughing:

bit hypocritical

:thinking: sounds like a good topic to meā€¦ :upside_down_face: Why donā€™t you get right on that :question: :joy: :rofl:

Jabbs always fucks up when he moves posts. He either moves things that shouldnā€™t be moved or he doesnā€™t move everything and we end up with this broken flow. They should hire a better moderator.

I agree it can get confusing when things get moved. I just open a new tab with the moved replies and read both areas to help fill in the blanks.

Good topic, but as we know this too will only get moved into a generic s__thole dumping grouod and the context will be trashed. The manner in which off topic posts get handled depends entirely on whether or not jabbath likes it or not. They need an independent moderator. Someone who works for can make decisions based on the companies interest, not the desires of a prominent member, who clearly has it out for members he doesnā€™t personally like.

The discussion about a sex site or not had nothing to do with Jules topic at all. Of course Jin will complain as always. The day he will not is yet to come. :joy:

And the day you stop moderating this forum based on your own feelings will be never.

Please dont talk for me. I can make my own decisions dont need you for that. :sunglasses:

Why would you think I have the need to talk for others?

O by the way @jabbath1987 All of its is off topics. So do your work. :+1:

Nah. It is all discussion about the apartment and its guests here.

Thats bulls__t and you know it. Maybe Jin is right about you. :nauseated_face:

Ah you mean that three posts there? Sure I can move them if you want :wink:?

If we talk about these can we ever be off topic though?image

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halp admin aboose lol