Purgatorium 💩

jabat i urge u to close this topic fast.

i request that this topic be closed. Jabat get on it.

Nothing else to do in your life? So sad.


hellllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hey?

pendejo de merda

Thanks for capturing, love the guys peeing

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Well, you enjoyed the title of this topic enough to click on it… so… I don’t know… who is the most stupid pathetic retard?


OK, I’ll eat your words.

So what if we are retarded?

OK. I did all that, got bored of being dead, so I came back here. Do you have more ideas on what to do?

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“We”… who is “We”?! How DARE you speak for everyone!!! :rage:



You’re post is very disrespectful.


excuse me homosexuality is not a mental disorder its a life choice every living male as it , although im as straight as an arrow , i am surprised at your choice of words , maybe you should look in the mirror and see what a mental disorder looks like.


[ take a lesson from an old hand on this forum , Get to know your audience before spurting of at the mouth , i see your new to the forum and allthough your comment cannot be condoned but it could explain your ignorance , some of your comments in the other topics have been really good , thats why i was surprised to see this comment , so this time we willl let it slide , but take it from me with your attitude you will not last long in this forum , just admit you made an off hand comment and you appologise to those that it offended and move on , and if you think im gay then my little ray of sunshine , i will reiterate what i said at the beggining of this comment GET TO KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE *!!!


funny thing here is your just a freeloader ,so really you dont have a choice on what vhtv should show , well thats not quite true you have 2 choices stay or leave , but based on your imput so far perhaps the latter would be a better choice :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I wrote wrong “site” you illiterate imbecile, not “side”. And I meant if you were on the wrong website. Because if you’ve been here since 2019 you should know that there have been plenty of gay stuff both male and female. I’ve only been here for a year and I’ve seen all kinds of gay action, including crossdressers and regular good old fashioned guy on guy action.

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@kaya think someone needs help with his boarding pass seems he is on the wrong ship here , new member today ? might be worth checking his passport , could be a clone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: