Purgatorium 💩

yeah yeah). This is why they made the movie the cabin in the woods …) . I m sure u loved that movie). As for who is sane or not…just stop all this tryharding man)… U think i m gonna debate all night with u about who between us is sane or not?)

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It really is nonsensical…They shoulve banned the request for gay porn from the start)

looooool…His bringing the evolution card on the table…How sad…Man, you weren t here milions of years ago to confirm as an authority that evolution took place… And this neanthertal thing…is the same like the new science thats states that men can get pregnant…

wooow…I have my feelings hurt…I m crying…Please! i m beging u! Don t ignore me(((

…Is this schwarzeneger movie your scientific proof? I feel sorry for u…I really do…

u are so cool with this reply…Wooow

noooo…it s actually whasupp…He s a briliant scientist or whadupp…or whatever…u are)

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You are off the point…Let me clarify this for you… If you are bothered by me…why can t i be bothered by u? You tell me i tell u about wrong or right? You also tell me about wring or right? Are u mentaly lucid to understand what i m telling you? U are being a hypocrit. U tell me not to teach u or tell u about what is wrong or not but you are doing to me the same sht

Now this is totaly wrong and u know it. And yes it is a private site. BAN ME! )

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well, i have a good news 4 u. there are people who can . Just be patient). They are at work now). some of them have jobs not like you)

How ironic to be insulted by oen of your own). Don t u feel ackward that i am hating my own kind)? And i want my own kind to dissapear in sht?)


u got it all wrong). i m not happy for u to be banned) I m happy for me as i won t need to deal with a piece of sht like u) after i m banned)


when u say i m cute i feel like i wanna take a sht)


What is a female?)

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Well, i have to say, i am glad u believe in this definition…This is old science… This is the science of the neanthertals so what is your problem with them?


Cry) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))