Pudding & Shenia

Ken said he wasn’t the manager of Medea, they are just friends.

The decorator miscalculated how many rolls of wallpaper was needed for this room. He ran out of the grey/white flowery design. He thought “fuck it I’ll finish it off with a pink/white flowery design, they won’t notice it when they are pissed!!!:rofl:

Medea and finley was speaking to a woman on the phone while in the ‘guest room’ and ‘loggia’ and they were all saying that the landlord has done fraud, as medea had just paid months rent and then got kicked out, i believe that the contract run out in september and i’m not sure if it was renewed. They asked the person to look for paperwork.

I think everyone there wants a piece of that brunette. She is most definitely :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

that explains why all the guests were having sex in her apartment lately but i guess it was for nothing :joy:

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Dear subs! Probably I found my accetable name for female partner - Cakelina! Other guests of apt can get the diffrent delicious names like Tartalina Sugaria Icecreamka or Chachlyk.

Hala Madrid!

Surely ‘Pudding and Cup’…?

I had the perfect name for him in Junior. Good of least named him Bubba :stuck_out_tongue: I guess he’s not banged her yet. Guess he’ll be spreading pudding undercover :laughing:

Ariana :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Would these two be pudding and shenia?

No, only 50% correct. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ok i say the blonde and shenia tell me if i won… :joy: :joy: :joy: :wink:

Pudding is not visible in the picture. :joy: :rofl:

Lol, nope :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :joy:

I’m out of luck how many tokens can I get so I’ll try again… :joy: :joy:

The correct answer is in this pic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That’s bad, there are 4 people there too. :joy: :rofl:

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That’s why i posted, was to easy otherwise


Are you bad where I have to look to the right I have to the left of the picture… :cry: