Party House

Yes we are. He is in a picture with Faith further back in this thread. They arrived together, that is why everyone assumed they were an item.

i thought this place was like Vegas’s place whoever is available then onward we go

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Looks like the hot guest girl, had to go. damn, she seemed very young :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: is the guy Kira or Dorothy? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

nope guest guy and girl…

The only one that is in the bedroom with the right name is Dafne (for now) . April is gone and the other two moved to bedroom weeks ago

I guess we probably won’t see her anymore tonight!

The one he had sex was more interesting then this

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When was that? was it archived? .so he’s sorta like a Derek
bringing in all the hotties :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Was… but not sure if already released as have pages of them pending on my queue

Run Away GIF


poker cards GIF by Molly’s Game


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