Party House

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are the mozzarella di bufala campana (italy) are bigger and tastier…

okay thank you very much…

From this angle you can see Camera 19 at an angle.

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She must be real forgiving after last night


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He’s packing looks like he has had enough.

Now Lion is gone.

wow this realm is cursed just end it all the good participants and guests have left anyway

the guy is cheating on his girlfriend with dafne while his girlfriend is upset and packing in the other room :cry:

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WTAF, At around 21:30 they were laughing and joking after he cut his hair, and 4 1/2 hours later he’s packed and left. Can’t understand Russian but I do body language. When he was leaving Faith desperately trying to get to him but the others were partially restraining her. Faith can do far better then him, the cheating douche bag.

What I saw they two always had some kind of toxic relationship. Some nights ago she slapped him in the kitchen…

But they should bring in people who are comitted to stay for longer and not just random people from the street who need a place to s___p for some days. That is the impression I have here lately…

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Wir wissen nicht wirklich ob sie ein Paar sind und was für eine Art Beziehung sie führen. Deswegen einfach genießen dass es was zu sehen gibt :blush:

Well the guy packed and is gone. So either she will leave too or she will wait for new guys / and / or girls…

Reden wir vom Typ der heut Nacht Sex mit Dafne hatte ?