Otto & Lola

j’attend avec impatience les avis de lola et ariela sur cette rencontre

Yan & Evelyn, do not damage this excellent apartment, you already have your apartment for Evelyn to hide in everything, Evelyn remains the same, no progress

Lola is wonderful, I love her, Lola, she is on a higher level than everyone else in this apartment

a good time had by all, including us the viewers :heart_eyes: :

last night the tiredness prevented more… so the overpressure has to come out now :wink:


ich finde wir sollten Evelyn etwas zeit lassen sie macht schon fortschritte NUR Hemd und Unterhose an unter anderen teilnehmmern
Sie gibt sich mühe (aus liebe zu Yan) *denkt

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I will argue that she may have just added to this apartment.
Because I’m here for her (With or without clothes) :heart_eyes:

Last line :+1:t2::heart_eyes::clap:t2::clap:t2::blush:

Evelyn has her apartment to hide in, don’t damage the quality of this excellent apartment

I am here for Lola, one of Vhtv’s number 1

good for you

Yes I love Lola, Evelyn can go to her shy apartment, or visit other shy apartments, this apartment, is excellent, don’t need this


how this… damage the quality apartment??


jeder von den 6 Personen hat seine Qualität nur weil sich jemand nicht voll auszieht verbannen ?
denk wir sind hier bei Voyeur House nicht bei PORNO House

Yes a resident that just goes to show it, yes it damages the quality of this excellent apartment, nothing else Evelyn can do

Yes, it’s not big brother either

Evelyn very shy, and closed as it has always been

Ariela, who makes good images when she wants to, is not and never will be at the same level as Lola, who is extraordinary.

carlos needs cameras placed at these points marked red then he might be a bit happier, :wink: she may take the bra off but she gets bombarded all the time for not doing so, she’s still gorgeous with or without, just a reason to keep it on :+1:

:rofl: :rofl:

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Evelyn shy, as always, showering dressed and the way she does is big brother, always avoiding images, progress nothing, she has other shy apartments, to visit
(I don’t even talk about the rest)