
Anyone having a problem with the live feed? If I roll a few minutes back on the timeline video is working. Restarting browser/router/clearing cookies doesn’t help.

All apartments or just one? This happens to me when the apt I’m watching is really offline.

All of them. Tried everything and nothing help.

Please make sure you contact us via support page

I did not contact via the support page because I already cleared the cache. That is usuall support suggestion. I already had that problem last year. And cant remember what solved it :sweat_smile:

Cache may resolve problems on your side, but if those were originated from ours, we’d better diagnose what is wrong on your side next time it happens. To make sure nobody else runs into the same issue if we detect something wrong on our side.

Speaking for me all good here…

Guys, I apologize for the late response. The problem is 100% on my side, VHTV works great over the phone and data service. It doesn’t work via wifi.

Which is funny, it now works for me via Firefox on my computer, it doesn’t work via Chrome or via Edge. It doesn’t even work on Firefox on the phone via wifi.

I concluded that something is wrong with the modem (wifi), I called the ISP for remote reset, it doesn’t work anyway. Except in Firefox on my computer.

Either some stupid update came in between, or the problem is in the modem. Although I don’t know why then it works with Firefox …

I just noticed something else. Chrome is my default browser, I always look through it. And I always had a problem if I opened another tab while watching VHTV and stayed on it for a few minutes. When I got back to the VHTV tab it always threw me on the timeline, a few minutes into the past. I always had to refresh the page, or click the Live button. It’s not on Firefox, it automatically puts me on Live here. I’m just noticing. I thought that Chrome behavior was normal on the VHTV site.

What a … ??

It is even less clear to me now.

A wild guess is that every time you go to VHTV in Chrome, you’re either using a Favorite entry for it or you have a suggestion in your URL leading you to and address with timeline tag in it. For example, you could have a suggestion in your browser to go to a camera URL with timeline, like so:

But that’s interesting indeed. You know our support team may offer you remote assistance help, if they both up to it and you don’t mind. This is strictly private and we do it on a very rare occasions like yours.

Apparently, there was too little time in the second tab, I see that Firefox also throws me on the timeline when I return, around the time I left the VHTV tab.

I’ll play around with the settings a bit more, but if it really doesn’t work out, I’ll ask for a remote assistant.

The thing is, even if I click on your link without a timeline, the page just loads, the circle spins indefinitely. Otherwise, I always access VHTV via the main page, without any suggestions straight to cam live.

This started happening the day before yesterday, there was no such problem before. Except for last year, when you tried to help me with exactly the same problem, nothing helped. The matter settled on its own after a day or two.

For now, it works top in Firefox.

I really appreciate your help, thank you very much. If things get more twisted in any way, I will contact you via support.

i have the same issue…not sure what to do