No Tattoos

I understood what you meant. Thanks for the info.

Yes for sure, tiny tattoos get a pass. They ones that are just outlines or otherwise not distracting. To me tattoo are an expression of attitude. They says something. Perhaps they could mean nothing, but I think for the most part tattoos are an expression of something that the person wants you to know about them. I personally find them distracting and LOUD. I prefer the mental mystery of the untainted skin. Plus, I just think its wayyy more attractive. I’m not knocking people who like them or have them. Just my opinion about the subject. If people posted pics of us tattooed gorgeous women in this topic, I’d probably check this one out every time I came here.


But, Mustafa and Finley are guys.

So far 2 of the 5 pictures posted are with girls who have no visible tattoos. Let’s change that ratio. :blush:

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@kaya are we allowed to move pictures from one topic into another? So, if I were to scour the threads for pictures of ladies without tattoos and copied and pasted them in this topic would that be ok with you or is that against the rules?

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Yep they sure are, but since there was not a gender asked from this topic about tattoo’s I thought to also include some guy’s. :+1:


Guys are fine to post too. I’m not in to guys, but yes for sure I didn’t specify that so it’s fine with me. I wonder if it’s harder to find guys without tattoos verses girls without tattoos?

I did give a list further up which has 9 Guy’s & 11 Women. So I don’t think it is far of the mark and is pretty even between the sexes.


Yes, in thinking of life, it does seem to be rather even in this regard. I personally don’t have any tattoos and would never get one. If I did it would have to mean something profound and to me, there is nothing I could mark on my body that would be profound enough.

sure, it’s totally fine

Marica actually has her name on the side of her foot. as does Shana