Just to let you know Jaydon I’ve apologised personally to the girls
Now that N&K have left,I think after 8years it’s time that I said goodbye ,I’ve cancelled my VH Subs ,thanks for all your comments good and bad ,that’s it goodbye and good luck in the future.
Te iras sin volver a ver sexo entre Kira y Nira
Thanks Nina e Kira
I miss the girls.
BONJOUR à tous.
Je sais pas pour vous mais NINA me manque énormément.
Not Nina, but Sweetheart Kira
Oh heck, I’ll take them both!
if you want to find them you can subscribe to their Patréon you will regularly receive their news (photos, videos)
Can you give us the link to their Patréon?
Elle continue quand même dessus?? Je penser qu’elle avais tout arrêter
Elle continuesur Patréon .Kira de temps en temps sur CB
Just asking you have permission of the girls posting it? I need to make sure even when I think you have
En panteon hay sexo?