Nikki, Arina

Wouldn’t waste my money unfortunately can’t spare the time :laughing:

it would definitley be a waste 2 straight guys just talking :rofl::rofl:

Anyway gonna call a halt to this conversation for now, enjoy your night eh. :+1:

you 2 pal now back to the beautiful nikki

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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First action in weeks :laughing:

Hello stranger fancy seeing you here I’d never have guessed :rofl::rofl::rofl:

A b___dy comedian eh, don’t give up the day job for fucks sake :laughing:

This apartment just seems to be an absolute waste of bandwidth which is a shame as Nikki seems a lovely young lady, but she is either as___p all the time or out of the apartment.

I may be totally wrong here but the reason may be down to the time zone and the lifestyle that Nikki lives.?

@iain what about the first day guest?

  • maybe the guest guy could be shy but Nikki could get a little closer to him too. They had already slept together that day. maybe then something could happen :thinking:

comon sweety nikky go to bedroom and pls make it dark light i want and i like see you masturbate crazy like this wawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :heart: :heart_eyes: :kiss:

@robwin Back on the first day after a long Relocation, I thought Nikki was back to her old self, “crazy - passionate,” especially when she slept in the same bed as the guest on first day.

  • But it seems like nothing has changed. :angry: :frowning_face: :disappointed:

Nope she has immediately gone back into her old boring ways of s___ping all the time for us and then presumably going out all night for her enjoyment :disappointed::

comon sweety close the light and let be dark light and make me happy mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i like you so muchhhhh :heart_eyes: :kiss: :heart:

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Nikki off out on the raz rather late tonight, ah well have fun Nikki :laughing:
Sorry a bit dark at the door but no lights were on in the hall outside.
We will look after your empty apartment :laughing:

although she doesn’t do anything, Nikki is amazing especially her Feet :footprints: :yum:


Nikki :heart: