Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Was Palma denen weg raucht würde bei uns in Deutschland fast 100€ Kosten und in Russland ein Drittel Arbeitslohn wären weg. Palma hatte noch nie eigene Zigaretten dabei.

Was told it was Lana

Indira is showing her harness.

Indira getting her straps out.

quote: Palmer never had his own cigarettes

That’s not true,

I saw him pass his own cigarettes to Loki and Moris at TJIKM

kostja seems to be the only one happy to be there :joy: :joy: :joy:

Any time I try to identify someone I always try to include a ID pic, just to avoid confusion

This is Lana and Lenny, from Jabbaths Wiki


I do not know who you are talking about.

he always seems to be angry in every apartment he goes to

That is correct

I is saying keep your F-ing hands off K!!! :rofl:

Sorry not as savy as you when it come to technology.

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he has no self esteem ie self-confidance, doesn’t fully trust Indira, and always has in mind " she is a swinger she is a swinger, and they all want her, and they all want her"

That is driving him nutts.

If he behaves, Indira will not do jack s__t with the others.

A little kissing, a little touch here and there, but that’s it.

Just I think he is always scared she changes her mind, and takes a deep breath when it’s going home.

The only weird thing is, sometimes he goes over the limit, and I wonder how long Indira is going to take this.

Always keeping in mind, we (at least I) don’t know what their agreements are.

ok but you can’t live like this

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that’s what everybody says,

accept the facts or leave,

or leave with her, if she wants to and they have a place to go to.

I agree… :+1:

But one has to consider, that part of the drama is possibly set up to keep viwers interested.

They only know to which extent.

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in henry and mira’s house there are 13 cameras 12 normal plus one of Kostja :joy:

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How much of Indiras’ cuddling with other guys is her way just to tease us?

I personly think they ought to split or get. :melting_face:

That Kostja camera has also had Indira more than once: