Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Elsy have used her hand on Karels cock.

Does it seem to anybody that Henry is trying to merge his old swing group into his current swing group, All under his management, how many apartments can he expand his empire to include?

:crown: :crown: :crown:

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I hope many more :+1: :wink:

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Don’t want to be nasty and bite my head off if I am, but she looks like a mouse and he looks like a weasel and maybe that could be their new names. :yum: :stuck_out_tongue: :grin:

Looool that was a really good laugh. But when they do something worth getting a name I hope you do not mind we go for different names :joy: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

depressed couple is in the house of mira and henry …

Yeah sure, it just came into my wicked head then. :slight_smile:

All good, buddy :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow her voice is like a mouse squeaking. Sometimes I really do wonder where the f*ck they find these people.

Paul and Debbie just arrived

where do you see them …

saw it now sorry

beware of food…

Her voice really does squeak, and those two,do what now??

Her voice really is hilarious.

Reminds of an old Growing Pains episode, were Kirk Cameron, asks the hottest girl in his class to dance, and she sounded sorta like that

Told yeah @jabbath1987 :laughing: :laughing:

Why are they coming every night to appartments having cameras for ever doing nothing…

Henry’s phone.

his really pains me…This apartment used to be a great watch. Now it’s s__t. Mira and Henry…up your game or fuck off. nothing else to say.