Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Hope they changed the linens first.

Is this an air bed? Don’t these guys have a home to go back to now M & H are home?

The guy live with his parent basement … he can 't take her there … got no choice but get the air mattress out LOL

Why would they change the linens … I think they like them crispy (I would hate to put a ultraviolet light next to those bed sheet) … when they lay in them. LOL

There should be a market for such used things. Everyone has a fetish… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:

But Mira seems to be sick alot lately, needs a clean bed.

It is the healthy or lifestyle they are living, that does great wonders for there well-being. They are used to s___ping in dirty bed sheets or have you noticed they will have at least six to eight people make out in that bed in a night.

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But I have not seen Mira spend as much time in bed as recent times before.

You might think they had a 1 bedroom apartment.

Massage time

I’m surprised that no one commented on the “dissapearance” of Jirina and that other guy for almost one hour. They were not in any camera. I’m begining to believe the “hidden room” theory

I was thinking the same yesterday (or this morning). Is the hidden room the one just to the right as you come in the door? That is not on the diagram.



It is supposed to look like just a storage cabinet, but is big enough to hide 1 or 2 people.I think S&T&I have 1 too.

Then it must be what I’m thinking above.

Yes, but Henry angrily denies it!

If you look at the diagram, that area when you come in the door is rectangular, but the photo above says otherwise, that is a little storage room to the right with a door or mirrored wall on an angle.

Why does he deny something that is obviously there, weird or what?

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It is the only real private space they have left, I’m sure they need it sometimes

because Henry would say " You know nothing John Snow" … I had to say that to you once LOL

Henry got jealous of missing the house sitters party, it was better than his, so he had to come back. right?