Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Shhh! Don’t tell anyone, but the saying comes from boxing. When a boxer has been knocked to the mat and the referee is counting him out, he’s down for the count. Thought you’d like to know.

Good morning buddy, As I like to watch boxing I knew that but thanks for telling. Have a nice Monday :metal: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Again, some users really seem to have gone through the fantasy last night. When I went to bed, everyone had more or less dressed. Even Bartmann had put on underpants.

jabbath1987 was also of the opinion that now is the end. When a man sits down next to a woman, some users think it starts in the next 5 seconds a gang bang. Although there was fun and blowjobs. But what made Indira great, for example? She kissed some people, some more… some less.

Your husband, whom you wanted to couple with Indira at the end, often sat alone with her in the living room and apart from a kiss he got nothing. He only got a handjob from a lady. Even E&S didn’t want anything from him.

Exactly. Indira and Kostja pretty much were the party poopers. And some people want them to get an own place? That is hilarious :rofl: :rofl:


Whether Kosta and Indira will marry and be with x c___dren in 20 years is unknown.

That there is a certain attraction between these seems obvious. The fact that Mikl also likes to “play” with her is also obvious. But as I said, except kisses, no one got anything. :wink: Henry’s little friend was touched a bit when asked. But that was also quite short.

Finally somebody talking with common sense :wink: :+1:

I only said it because you wrote ‘done’ for the count.

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That was because it was late and I made a typo :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL! That’s your story, and you’re sticking to it, eh? :rofl: :rofl: You so funny. A typo is when you hit a key adjacent to the one you meant to hit, not half a keyboard away from what you meant to hit. But, I believe you. :wink: :wink: :wink: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yes it was a “whole word typo” :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not needed :rofl:

Henry? no one can resist him (apart from Mira, of course… :laughing:)

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Wow, she’s back. And with the same clothes. What she did, s___p outside the door?

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Shhh… Basement :rofl:

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Robin & Mr. Slave, Aliona & Demian

Henry’s secret room

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She looks beautiful though.

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this morning mira, henry and snoopy left the apartment with luggage. I guess Jirina and tejo are going to take care of the apartment before they get their own apartment.

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que pasa con henry&mira saben algo

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Vacation from parties for some days :wink: