Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Can you not stand to be away from your mobile phone? Must your cell phone be attached to your hip for you to feel calm? If so, then you suffer from Nomophobia. Nomophobia is the fear of being detached from mobile phone connectivity.

With such a pair I would also run away

@Ryan1977 Speaking of Mira controlling Henry, I wonder if she isnā€™t tire of living like this? Maybe she would rather not have to keep living under cams all the time!

word cozy again at M&H

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and here is Miss magic fingers!

Quick, call mikl lol


The dog seems to like her.

Has snoopy met his match


All she has to do is strip , get in doggy position, and play like Lissa.

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I know where she lives, the 1960s

Who is she?

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Alida, sheā€™ll fuck everyone in the room male or female

including the dog?

Hahaaaaa gmta.

Looks like Henry is trying to create a third clone of himself, is Kostja brain-washable?

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they are inaugurated for the evening

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She would have fit right in at Woodstock, wouldnā€™t she?


Kostja save your girl!

pourquoi ne voit-on jamais Debbie dans son appartement? Jā€™aime beaucoup cette fille.