Mira & Henry (Part 1)

That all Marcie59 does is moan and complain. wait for the reply to this

Who is Marcie? Oh, I see.

I donā€™t think anyone has the right to offend residents. But you must be allowed to speak your mind politely. Itā€™s not exactly nice when Henry lays there for hours playing video games. So it is more interesting to watch my rubber tree grow.

Est-ce que ce nā€™est pas la vie de tous les jours de beaucoup de couples dans la vie de tous les jours ?

Of course it is,as normal as you or i :rofl:

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I will give them another 4, 6 months top and they will be separatingā€¦The signs are there.

ce sont les meilleurs de la serie ils sont au top tous les 2 bisous a vous

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secondo mā€™ĆØ sembrano depressi e non invitano piĆ¹ nessuno perche non stanno bene magari hanno un po di influenzaā€¦

Parce que vous organisez chez vous des partouzes tous les soirs ??

So what do you want me to do, jump up and down with glee at this gone by sale date apartment with an arrogant tenant. Why can I not voice my displeasure at something I see. Feel free to criticise me but know that I will voice my opinion, whether you agree to it or not. He criticised a viewer because he was not a paid subscriber although he said it was not an insult. When asked a simple question to why he canā€™t move cam 5 to the left he just says no without giving ant explanation. Do I give a fuck if I hurt his fragile ego, the answer is NO. Also not everyone insults him, many pay him compliments. Also it is not insulting a tenant when you show displeasure for whatever reason. Of course he has a right to insult viewers, that is within his right but he should not be surprised when some like myself simply stop watching him. If when he has the latest parties the most fun was talking about the eating habits of one of his guest, to be honest not my favourite viewing. His parties have dropped in viewing pleasure with guests being out of the camera view for far too long

I thought you didnt like this realm anymore but you seem to be here complaining enough. God help your other half if moan like this at home.

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I donā€™t like it and donā€™t watch it. Hopefully if enough people react the tenant might actually do something to change so I do watch it.

Please dont ,give up your membership and go to another site

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I have a better idea, why donā€™t you leave and go to a little safe place where you want have to read my comments if it upsets you so much. I will miss you very much

Trust me i miss trump more than i will ever miss you

What is the problem here? I did not see anybody do anything bad or not allowed. When participants talk this way and joke around of course normal viewers can do the same way :wink:

They are simply hatersā€¦like we donā€™t like M&H because they are this and that, but at the same time they know every little detail about them. :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:

No problem my side, just letting Billy know that because he said we should not speak bad about tenants I will do so if I do not like that. Billy can put that in his pipe and smoke it.

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when the audience jokes, it normal, when the tenants answer them with the same jokes. it hurts the feelings of the audience :laughing:

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Your right to continue to be a lover and where do you get this hate at someone showing they donā€™t like this place.