Mira & Henry (Part 1)

when I look like that sometimes, I always have to think of both of them

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Is that the dishwasher repair man in the kitchen ? Can you get him to take the chairs from the living room when he leaves. It will do us all a favour. Then there will be room for guests to return.

stop crying like i little girl and ask your mom to purchase subscription.


Boom :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Hey not everybody can earn money by playing game with their cocks hanging out. Subs can be expensive for some so don’t mock your viewers.

Quite agree not everybody wants to anyway i suspect, it’s called self respect i think :roll_eyes: Doesn’t take a brain to just expose yourself all day long. :laughing:

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Like probably others that favored this couple over the past few years - M & H have had their day and I lost interest in them. Basically just a fuck place to mainly try out new prospective tenants which ends up helping VHTV be a porn stage - lights, camera, action.

I think he is showing his true colors. Maybe if less people visit his realm he might understand what respect is. JMO… :upside_down_face:

I can only agree but we seem to be a minority. His arrogance is one of the main reason I stopped watching. His could not give a fuck about answering a simple question and now mocking a viewer because he is not a paid subscriber. OH and lets not forget how lame his last few parties have been. Lucky for me his apartment is bottom of my previews so very easy to ignore.

Are these guys self-quarentining? I have not seen them this action-less.

It’s been like that for a long time. When they don’t have visitors, Mira lies on the sofa and s___ps and Henry hangs on the game console for hours. And when a visitor comes and Paul is there, then you already know that there are dead pants here.

Why should someone buy a subscription? To watch you bores?

Come on guys this is still one of the best realms . They have more parties than anyone else, they have one of the most delightful girls on VHTV and in Henry a guy almost guaranteed to get a good party going. I cannot for the life of me think why you get so easily upset by them enough to warrant all the barracking. Please take your own advice and firstly stop watching theis realm and secondly stop commenting on it. There are so many comments that this VHTV caters for all tastes, There really is enough to go round. Please have a little patience ( and respect )- and yes Henry don’t assume that everyone can afford to pay what is a months salary in some countries just to watch VHTV WolfieSmith


the purpose of this forum is to make comments whether you like it or not. Who tells you that yours are justified compared to those of others? Acceptance of different opinions. Would you have become a censor? :wink:

No i just feel that there is a degree of hypocrisy in criticising so much. I am more than happy to see positive comments i just feel that it is a shame for the participants when they have to put up with so much negativity

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i think everyone has given him enough patience , but he just seems to want to upset everyone now days , even the partys have gone down hill , also it seems that a lot of the women who go there now dont want him mauling them

It has only been a week since their last foursome and i would meake a small bet that if you counted up the number partys that hey had in october and november it would be more thany other 5 realms together. How easily the mighty are toppled . Just as well we have not already put up a sta ue of them anywhere as that would have already been toppled as bad history

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Hey. I didnt insult anyboby! I am just joking. Like you about Christmas tree and chairs

My favorite chairs :heart_eyes:

So when people do nothing but insult him and make horrible insinuations about him it’s all fine and good. But when he responds back to someone then it’s a problem? I think more tenants should snap back at people who make stupid comments about them.

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