Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Oh come on don’t be silly, 13 perhaps even 14 :rofl:

Well stop taking it off

You heard of plumbers crack, how about the whole moon!

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playing Playstation continues. am curious if Henry will beat the record of over 12 hrs yesterday, today…

chez mira et henry , je trouve que le siège qu’ils ont mis au salon est mal placé car il cache le canapé.

No it doesn’t. :wink:

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Henry could not have done a better job of placing the bird cage so that it hides the couch (sofa). Perfect.

That is true but there is rarely a better view of the sofa from that end, than there is from cam 2 or 3 . the camera 4 is a long way from the sofa and now there is the new camera it too has a decent view

He blocked the free cam

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hes just being awkward because people want him to move cam 5 left a bit and he wont . now upsetting everyone

I am pretty sure he will even be more pissed when people don’t view this gone by sale date apartment (my opinion) because of his c___dish respond to viewers asking nicely to do something simple or even have the decency to tell us why he does not want to move cam 5 to the left. I am one that refuse to click on this apartment even though I know I am in the minority.

Can’t wait (not) for the next time they have guests, and Henry brings over the big black computer chair to really screw viewers who, for whatever reason, do not have a subscription. ie relying on free cams

I wonder where they will put the Christmas Tree ?? No room for visitors if you put up a tree !

Put the tree up Henry’s ass. He actually might like if it was a real tree so he can have a real woody poking his anal sphincters - lol.

This must be their first quiet weekend in ages

Well he has been checking his temperature with a thermometer regularly lately (in the armpit, nothing kinky) so I guess he was really feeling sick. Should be back in action anytime soon.

So when Henry gets sick, he turns into a teenager who plays video games all day

what about Henry´s dick, is he out of order ?

is Mira also sick ??

Mira looks sick on the couch, o think Henry just took her temperature

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