Mira & Henry (Part 1)

they should now distance them selves from him and not invite him anymore

I don t think they are allowed to do that. Henri is the boss

hes no boss hes the same as everyone on here , and she looks so board

the only one enjouing himself is Henry think the pipe smoke has got to him

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Oh! Hold on!

she doesnt want to but hes all over her now

They have left…

if Mira had got like that sooner might have had some fun

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Begining to look like the landlord exploiting his tenants sort of.

Henry comes across as a spoiled little brat who always wants to get his way. I think he is trying to be the “Ron Jeremy” of VHTV.


If i’m not mistaken, I think Marica is on her period. From what I saw yesterday. Yep, she is.

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Fucking amazing I don’t think there has been a mention of Paul’s eating habit in the last 20 comments, how boring this place is getting. :rofl: :rofl:

i am not sure where you guys get the idea that Marica is no longer keen on Henry . She put this hand on his groin without any prompting and it was there for a while . Sure she may have given him a ‘not now’ or a 'maybe later ’ but she is still there for him. - and yes i know he can be an arrogant bastard , but he is a successful arrogant bastard ! and as for his relationship with Mira i really don’t see this big out of favour belief that some of you have. I know that if i was out of favour with the wife this wouldnt have been available - a lot of bj before the fuck


Do you think that maybe Marica (you could see the pad) told Mikl no screwing if she couldn’t? It looked to me like Mira wanted to play but Mikl didn’t cooperate. Mira had her play outfit on. Henry looked like he was pouting for a while.

They look not happy without sex

Yes Mira is Hot, if given the chance I would fuck her any day. Did you guys now they are married And as for Henry he has always been that way, They are (swingers) They took English lessons for a while but I have never heard them speak it. is there anyone here that has been here 5 years or more? Do you remember Petra? I talked with her for a year before she left the apartments, I had fallen in :heart:love with her and she would always send me letters about her boyfriends. I still miss her.

camera offline on a friday evening. :rage:

Looked like they had problems with dishwasher yesterday probably got workmen in to fix

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I have a different theory. Moments (2pm local) before the cameras went offline, Mikael and Marica arived. They looked very unhappy. All 4 of them were talking in the kitchen. Something was obviously wrong and they needed a good talk. And them somebody pulled the plug. I hope I am wrong.

They are back online

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