Mira & Henry (Part 1)

curious assholes? the British class, indeed! :laughing:

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Not going into what has now become a fucking ridiculous issue. If he wants to piss of viewers so be it, I have better places to view.

maybe they should have brought Lilo along to get things going

are you still there? :astonished:

Now now don’t throw all those rattles out too quick :rofl:

You can see that back wall is a hastily put up curtain or someting to hide the rest of the room.

big work of approach, the air of nothing from Henri towards Marica. The deceitful :laughing:

yes still here waiting

I bring you something to eat and _____ while you wait :wink:

that would be great might be long wait lol

Look at Camera 5.

so what ? hep !

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Poor Henri. He’s going to have to end up in his secret room :laughing:

Responding to Katzman.

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Ok but what did you mean considering cam 5 or it is a secret between you and Katz :wink:

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I dont understand a word they are saying but Marica’s bodylanguage is shouting “NOOOOO”.

exactly you are right. Even poor Henri, who is kind of clumsy, seems to have understood.


i think Marica & Mikl may be approaching the end of their VH tenure, she may have had enough now :roll_eyes:

mabe shes had enough of being used by him now , its been a while since they have had a good time . shes been watching him trying it on with everyone else and ignoring her unless he gets blown out then hes all over her

they deserve to have their own apartment, far from Henri. With Lilo, they have something to attract people

He was complaining about the green chair blocking his view. I was just pointing out that cam 5 would solve that. But now I see that he can just see the free camera. #4.