Mira & Henry (Part 1)

What’s Alida doing taking fresh instructions on the phone in the loggia???

Yeah we have always been aware of that room, it is used fairly often :laughing:

The stuffed a____l on the bed was a problem & only 3 cameras are working in the Bedroom !!

Alida wants to invite her to her place when her period is over, perhaps in 2 weeks time :laughing:

She must have put a month supply of slap on the times she has been in that bathroom today :laughing:

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All 3 were working here ok :+1:

Room has 4 camera 3 was working … Watch the room you will see 4 cameras !!
Because they fix the Bathroom Cameras today 2 Camera now no hide spot now… but the fourth camera in the Bedroom went out…

There has only been 3 cameras in bedroom. Are you referring to the one in the mirror to the right side of the bed when looking at camera 8. That is a reflection of camera 10

Was gonna say we have only ever had 3 cams in the bedroom.

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I don’t understand why Blondie is on VH if doesn’t want to engage in adult sex other than dry humping with her clothes on. . Even if she has her period there is plenty she could do to entertain us with her body. What exactly is her end game. .BTW, does she have any other outfits beside a black dress?

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Anyu moved from Wendy to M&H

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Is that a Reflection… because looks like 2 cameras Thanks !!

A reflection, you would never have two cams that close together anyway.

Definitely, its a tall narrow mirror next to the camera and bed.

Old mining buddy’s from the past. That’s why she got the invite.

I hate to ask but, how do you know how tight is a duck’s ass?

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Here you can see 2 set of camera very close so that is not the case… Unless it is reflection like you wrote or on the photo you post…Thanks

Kano has failed multiple tasks courtesy of H&M. First he failed to seduce and fuck Marica, was never able to get hard for her. Jirina invited him over, probably to disrupt Kostja and Indira, and he didn’t do that, and other than actually fucking Wendy in multiple threesome, he just eats _____s and plays on his phone