Mira & Henry (Part 1)

not far he is a pervert

sorry Andre85 forgot hes your soulmate … go on say it ? am waiting lol lol

good boy keep it up maybe you will win a medal… :joy: :joy: :joy:

lol i do have medals ?

as a pain in the ass for sure… :joy:

well i am bored and you bite :rofl: :rofl:

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You are a very good, kind and funny girl, Tanya. Thank you for supporting me. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :hugs: :hugs:

Do you realise we have a genius among us with our Tanya having an IQ of 158 we should all be bowing down and paying homage to such a talent :laughing:
Just why a genius would be on VH though is anybody’s guess :laughing:

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Well, I have to take a humble bow, then. Now I am even more very impressed with you, Tanya. I really mean it. Wow. :heart: :heart: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :hugs: :hugs:

Can you invite Maren to be your participant. Thank you

This post probably has the potential risk of sounding like uneccesary nagging without actual content. Has anybody heard anything about the Trisha/Faye situation yet? Probably way too early to say anything yet. I guess. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Nope heard nuffink, the apartment just went and have heard nuffink since.
Whether she will ever return is anybody’s guess i reckon.

Yes, for now I sit with the same feeling. It is extremely uncertain, at least as of per now if she will return or not. Probably it looks like she will not return at all. :heart: :heart: :hugs: :hugs:

The same as you, I think it will be extremely sad if she will not return at all. The project in itself needs her. At least in my opinion. :cry:

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Would be silly in her returning without sorting out her heath problems though as that must take priority.
it wasn’t nice watching her struggling i must admit.

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Of course, Of course. Her primary health care situation has to be first priority. Of course I understand that. Something else would be directly silly. Of course. :hugs: :hugs:

I also get that it is a part of the inner circle game of this world as it is that people come and go. But I do not like the fact that she can disappear. :cry:


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