Mira & Henry (Part 1)

ask vhtv support if they can add a cam in henry’s house…

it#s not my job just don’t look at it anymore

the cam in the secret room will never be added for life …
henry was clear never in their lives will that room have a cam…


I don’t blame henry at shana there’ one where always smoke

Henry zit er by voor spek en bonen

Members wouldn’t if he wasn’t being a prick nearly everyday with disgusting habits.

Here’s serious question for those who think Henry is the greatest, why then is Shana, and a returning Wendy his only apartments, why aren’t there newbies dying to join and have him be their manager, like M&M, T&S, K&I&T&J, E&K, had him last year

its a shame as he used to have somee good realms , but they have all slowley left , i thimk its just the way he acts hand turned out now and thinks he is bigger than VHTV and his attitude and the use off the secret rooms that have done it for him

Even if one overlooks personal attacks and bad personal speeches against Henry, the fact remains that there is almost nothing but yawning boredom in his kingdom compared to 3-4 years ago. I think it’s also a matter of age that he’s trying to create new empires but has lost touch with younger couples. I think that’s also the reason why he often _____s more than is good for him. Despite everything, Mira still stands by him. He can be thankful that he has her by his side.

Losing the M&M realm and Kostja and Indira really hurt. I found the parties at M&M always brought out the possibilities of a sex party, and Kostja and Indira seemed to be near the top viewed for the night, even if they weren’t exactly doing anything beyond enjoying their love for each other

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Even when they were getting dressed to leave he poured himself a last _____ to slurp rather quickly :rofl:
Looks as though the most popular _____ is vodca and lemon or cola.

Do many of us know half a dozen couples that we can invite round to our houses every other night and guarantee a sexy party . No i thought not. I think H & M have done wonders over the years to keep it as fresh as it has been. - and it still happens from time to time like last night . They may make some money from the edge of the sex industry but they are obviously managing a nice life style with friends on the back of it All those ex participants mentioned above are still friends of theirs - says wonder for M & H if you ask me.

Enjoying the Sunday :slight_smile:


If Henry and Mira could just manage the apts. and keeps his hands to himself amd let them enjoy their lives he might do very well.

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Is rain wet? Is snow cold? etc etc, never changes you see :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

that was my point! untill it does he probably won’t manage any new apts.

Sadly, I have to agree with everything you say. Mira and Henry “used” to be the best thing since sliced bread on here, but lately that has waned considerably. You are right, he is trying desperately to stay in touch with the younger generation, but is just coming across as a dirt old man. When he tries to touch them, you can see them visibly cringe. Mira is still hot, but he is definitely not. I also have been wondering why she stays with him. I am all for an open relationship and if that floats your boat, then fine, but more often than not these days, she goes home, goes to bed, or ends up playing with herself, while he tries to shag anything and everything that breaths. Me, I would have gone home with her, after all, they are a Couple, he needs to stand by her, as much as, for reasons I really do not get, she stands by him. His _____ing has got worse too, more often than not, he seems to be two sheets to the wind, making a total tit of himself. Now we have the biggest bore of all…” pretend sex”, on whatever Sight they are on, peddling it for money….alas, like so many on this Site are now. Let’s face it, one does not have to pay £30-£40 upwards to see that. I am not meaning to slag it all off, even if I am coming across as doing so, just making observations and going by the comments on here, I am not the only one. He needs to wake up and smell the coffee and realise that he is no spring chicken anymore, move on and do what they do, with people their age group and leave the youngsters to it and without meaning any disrespect, she needs to smell it too and realise, she can do a hell of a lot better and you are also spot on, he has to start realizing what he has, before she does up and leave him and going by actions and body language, that is getting ever closer…he will never get anyone better.

Well looking at him on chaturbate he looks nearer 50+ than the 36 he is made out to be…

And why is he wearing lipsticks !!!

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They look like Ricky and Lucy from “I love Lucy.”

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