Mira & Henry (Part 1)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wendy

There is something really wrong in Camp Paradise, between Henry & Mira, when Mira goes home, ends up playing with herself, while Hubby stays in someone else’s apartment trying to shag anything that moves.

Well he was out of luck last night as there was no secret room there for Pia :laughing:
Was rather funny though seeing Mira checking up on him with her phone :laughing:

getting sad really seeing mira and henry with these young kids does not look right ?

it looks fine to me they are all good friends
What sort of enjoyment do you get by criticising this apartment every day for one reason or another ?

Mira has to work, while Henry is out playing?

lol its my opinion if you dont like dont read end off if you get offn watching old folk trying to shag the young girls you carry on nothing but pimps bye

to some people it is better not to answer…(the brain is what it is)… :wink:

oh dear henry fan club are out lol one party and there here , last week didnt see one of them. wonder why :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was funny and I had to smile…“fiddle…fiddle…check…fiddle…fiddle…check” lol
And yes, he was out of luck, but it is happening a lot lately. She is gorgeous, so can get away with it, but he is getting a bit old to hang around with the young ones and is looking more like “mutton dressed as lamb”.

lol brill well said

I have to agree with you…time to either join a Site, that has shall we say “older clientele”, or grow up and call it a day. I guess F____r Time catches up with all of us eventually. The secret is to know when it has and to change tact.

To be honest they got to be the oldies on this site , they need to be with there own age group but most of them have gone

Peut être qu’il pourra retrouver la nouvelle locataire de Rachel et creer un nouvel appartement avec elle… :upside_down_face:

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ce soir, c’est chaturbate pour ce faire un peu de roubles !

Honnêtement, je pense que depuis quelques jours Henry essaye de faire du CB seul… mais vu le physique , il n’a pas beaucoup de succès…Donc il mets a contribution une VRAIE travailleuse du sexe pour pouvoir payer les factures… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:thiç :thinking:

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since you have to bust my balls so much have you ever thought of moving to another apartment (the list is long of other apartments)…

you are just a mindless moron…

see you got a brain then ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: