Mikl & Shana

she is beautiful

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Has his girlfriend smiled tonight

Paul and Debbie are in heaven

On the Marica subject, I am starting to wonder if Marica left the M&M&S apartment for the reasons we had assumed

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And away she was, now Felix still :rofl:

I find her to be the most interesting woman on VHTV. Not sure if it’s because she is such a tease and rarely does anything overtly sexual…

Yeah well Felix must be VH’s resident/professional sex stalker he seems to get everywhere there’s fanny to be had :rofl:

That’s what you get for being a naughty boy! :laughing:


Not usually limp ,when he sneaks around on her.

I’m a little disappointed to see Viva here…I had rather hoped she would be a little more discerning.

Looks as though Debby is getting her cheap thrills with no strings attached, well only on the whip :rofl:

Viva looks like a fish out of water here especially with Paul just looking on. :-1:

This is about as fun as the ballons the other nite .

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What do you expect with the dynamic duo of Debby and Paul :rofl:
Having said that you may be seeing real life for a change and not all the orchestrated sex acts.

Who is Pocahauntas?Very pretty.

No idea pal sorry, i have a job keeping track with most of the regulars :rofl:
Assume its the other dark haired girl there sat on the sofa, have heard that name mentioned in the past but god knows from where :roll_eyes: Jabs will know no doubt.

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Wake up Jabs.

That’s it Paul, block the fucking cam :roll_eyes:


Paul and Debbie have been fed, now it’s time to go