Medea (Part 1)

I checked now and seen that he was with Lisbet when she was working hard for an apartment. Sorry, i didn’t knew about that.

Well, if she ended up here at Medea, i can not say this at all :roll_eyes:

you say this but then will happily watch flora when there is no difference between her and medea

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At least Flora moved here and beat Medea at her own game in her City. That gave me a little bit of satisfaction. I won’t lie. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I always criticised Flora for copying this business model, that’s not a secret

P.S: there is a massive difference between them. One never tolerated a_____l, d__gs and a___es. The other is encouraging them… :wink:

They both get their guests to do the exact same things and do the same casting

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Of course there is. She can avoid Alex Lina as managers.

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That’s exactly what i said as well

Common Jabs. And do what, go to Alex and Anna ?

Out of the frying pan straight into the fire saying comes to mind.

She (Freya) had one of the best manager on site before she left. Any other choice is a massive step back.

Well let’s agree to disagree here and get back to topic

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Абсолютно любой человек имеет право выпивать алкоголь и мы не можем ему это запретить, а что касается наркотиков, то я категорически против этого в своей квартире и против таких людей в целом. На VHTV нет запрета на алкоголь, поэтому не виде ничего страшного, что участники позволяют себе выпить, другое дело какое количество алкоголя они пьют и в каком состоянии потом находятся)


Да, это правда, Кентон первый раз появился у меня, это мой очень давний друг


WTF! This guy keep pinching the girl again and again!

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:star: :star: :star:


:butterfly: :butterfly: :butterfly:



I’ve seen some things on here but that’s up there in the ridiculous category

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Didn’t see anything bad at all.

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yeah lets just ignore all the bad things that has happened under Anna and Alex shall we :roll_eyes:

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